Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Dylan is 8 Months!

At 8 months, Dylan is at least 21 pounds and has 4 teeth coming in. He is very squirmy these days trying hard to crawl, but just can't quite get the hang of it. So, he just rolls and scooches around. He loves all his riding toys, is starting to lean on things and feeds himself little snacks. He is growing up more everyday.

What's back there?

Well it's a good thing I am not a lady so, I don't have to sit like one.

I have a need for speed!

Oh boy, I am up guys!...stead...stead.

I am in another basket. It's a good thing this laundry is clean.

Oh Mommy you are such a germaphobe, is this cover really necessary.