Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Brayden is 8 Months!

At 8 months Brayden has 7 teeth and trying to eat all kinds of new things. He is a big blueberry fan like his brother. His favorite things are bath time, standing, drinking water out of his sippy cup, and of course still his big brother. I think the other day Dylan finally realized he his a life long playmate in Brayden. One of Dylan's favorite things to do now is play with his Geotrax. Practically everyday he and I sit around his track and he gives me the plane or the train remote to control. Well, we decided to get him another remote train to add to the set. The other day as usually I was given the train controller, he kept the new train controller then, he passed the airplane controller to Brayden. Brayden was so excited. He actually managed to hit the go button many times. Dylan looked over and smiled. At that moment it was like something clicked in Dylan's head "I can have fun with that guy." Well, that relationship still has along way to go. But progress has been made. Here are some new pics of the boys.